Friday, November 16, 2012

Thank you for 4 more years

I wanted to thank the followers of this blog for following fr the past years.  I was grateful for the support of the voters in the City of Osseo and the affirmation that we indeed are on the correct path.

Please contact me with any concerns and issues hat you wish to moving ahead!

We currently have issues on the Horizon, and we are grateful that the leadership is also interested in n Osseo that is forward thinking and development friendly, all with the intent of preserving our way of life.

According to a recent email, we have also established ourselves as a city not to be messed with, which i take to mean that finally the surrounding governmental agencies respect us and are willing to consider our ideas, not just require for us to do whatever they want!

Progress, we will continue to watch $$, continue to cooperate to fill holes left in city services, and to mak our way of life superb to continue to recruit quality new citizens within our borders!

So exciting!!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Candidate Forum and Recent Attack update

I thought the Candidate Forum went well.  There is much to say in the 1 min or 30 sec blocks that we are given.

I have been told that I did pretty well, several people expressed that I earned their votes that evening - great to hear.  I look forward to serving 4 more years!

The biggest challenge to date is getting out to talk the truth about issues.  Amazing, isn't it, how much someones opinion can change in an election period.  Many people around town are more and more angry when approached with lies.

Here is the thing - people, just check the votes.  It is easy.  I have been steadfast in supporting our Police and Fire Depts, even when doing the right thing is unpopular.  I have been consistent with decisions that may have some short term pain, to ensure LONG TERM health for the City of Osseo.

The Police Dept issue is still hot.  People say, "When will this be decided", my response "November 6th" but, we all need to know that this issue is an annual budgetary issue - so it can go away at any time.  You need to vote for consistent leadership!  Again - look at the Voting Record!

The first vote came out of the blue to disband October 2011 - Motion by Bucky Hartkopf, seconded by Mayor Allan Lindquist.  All of the documentation showed different, and to this date we have seen nothing different than the Sheriff's original proposal (i will be adding that very soon - look on the Documents page.)

I will say it now - there are many other plans for the new police station than the 1.5 million one.  MANY options exist. 

With that said, it is interesting to me to hear the residents of Osseo speak out on this subject. They say, clearly, that we need to do what is necessary to guarantee their safety well into the future.

On these issues, I ask for you to vote on who you think is the most honest and with the most skin in the game in Osseo. - My home, my family and my business are here!

The worst time of the year for me is the Budget approval process.  I hate setting the budget and levying taxes on all of us.  So Many people with different needs, but we have to look out for this COMMUNITY, not just ourselves.  I take that responsibility very seriously!

Also just saw a new sign up at R&W Welding.  Right next to McDonalds on Hwy 81 and 85th.  Quite a statement regarding the Mayoral Race.

More to come - Stay Tuned - sign up to follow the blog for the fastest updates!

October Campaign Update

Great day yesterday,
The thing about Osseo is that people like to talk.  I was fortunate to talk with new people yesterday.  They all knew who I was, but it was great to meet new neighbors!  I very much enjoy Door Knocking for the campaign!

Special Thanks to the following people:

Linda and Steve for Hosting the Meet and Greet!
Kim and Bill for new sign locations

New links for campaign info-

Osseo Candidate Forum!!

I will be uploading my NW Community Politics Spot in a few days.   I also heard that the Candidate profiles should be up soon also.  I get to experiment with YouTube quite a bit with this campaign as well.

Friday, September 14, 2012

9-14-2011 update

Good Day all
Here is another update to the Mark Schulz for Osseo blog.

Osseo Roar Parade
We has a great showing at the parade.  A huge thank you to me members of the campaign committee and the volunteers for not only decorating the "float" but tearing down, and to Chuck for getting the trailer.  I do not know who he got it from - but a huge thanks to that guy too!

Meet and Greet the Candidates
We have scheduled 2 meet and greet events, but are putting the times and places solidified, more on that in the future - stay tuned.

Current Issues in the Community
Osseo Trolley
I have recently heard something quite disturbing yesterday.  Some of the Seniors in town are very concerned about the Osseo Trolley going away in the event of a change in leadership at the Mayoral level.  I personally would like to know where that concept is coming from, because in spite of my personal feelings in regards to some of political dynamics of the OBA (Osseo Business Association), I find it hard to believe that such a retaliation would be possible.  In such an event, I can reassure everyone that a plan is currently in the works to augment or replace the current Trolley through a City wide Transportation initiative.  Again - STAY TUNED

If you have an specific questions regarding a City Issue, or want more info on a specific topic - either general or specific, please feel free to contact me.  The info is available on our CONTACT tab.

We are also still accepting Campaign Contributions and taking Sign Requests!

Mark Schulz

Friday, July 27, 2012

Re Election

The updates to the website have been completed!

This is my official blog announcement that I will seek re-election this fall for City Council.  I am very excited and will file ASAP on July 31.

I am gladly accepting donations for my re-election campaign, any amount would help up to what I believe is the maximum of 300$.  Additional signs, re-election stickers, literature for the lit drops and of course- candy for the Osseo Lion's Roar Parade need to be purchased.

A forthcoming blog announcement will present the major platform issues, but keeping with the results of the recent city survey - keeping the residents safe is the utmost concern, along with assuring the future viability of our community by working the created Capital Improvement Plan, Financial Management Plan, and keeping city expenditures at the lowest reasonable level are key!

Stay tuned to this blog, and like me on Facebook -

Mark Schulz for Osseo

for future campaign updates!


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Osseo Police Dept

Last evening we took action at the city council meeting to request a grant from DEEDS in the amount of $750,000.  Our new city admin - Doug Reeder, was alerted to the possibility of this grant - and after researching the viability  and possibility of getting it, has taken the necessary steps to acquire it.

At a recent Public Safety Advisory Committee - a Committee that I chaired for 2 years - votes unanimously to recommend attempting to secure this grant.  The Council representatives to the Committee are Rick Weber and Allan Lindquist.

Last night - the vote at the Council was 3-2 - with Lindquist and Hartkopf voting against.  I am still scratching my head on this one.

You all thought the overwhelming response on behalf of the city survey in support of the current structure of the Osseo Police Department was enough to convince Lindquist and Hartkopf that they residents wished for this to continue.

Mr Weber, Poppe and myself have been fighting to keep our budget and investments at a consistant level with long term growth in mind.  Apparently they others still wish to take away Police Dept.

I stand behind my homepage post regarding my support of the Osseo way of life, and desire it to be a safe place to live well into the future.

I would appreciate your VOTE in November.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Election Filing just around the Corner.  Yes, I will be running for re-election.  I will be posting some facts, answering the criticisms, and the dishonesty, and continuing to give the citizens of Osseo the best return on investment for their tax dollars!

I will also be accepting donations for this re-election campaign - feel free to call if you are able to give - regardless of the amount.  Any amount helps!

Feel free to contact me at, at home 763-425-7457.  You will have to leave a message as I am out representing or working so that I can give my Fair Share - lol

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Osseo Happenings

I see it has been a while since I posted to the blog. Alot has been going on - I will try to recap and talk about future things on the Horizon.

The City is currently looking into several options. The buzz words of the times are Shared Services. There was a pretty hard push by the Mayor and a Council Member to attempt to Share Policing with Hennepin County Sheriffs Dept. That is currently somewhere in Limbo as the motion did not pass to move on the issue, and apparently my lack of support for such a transition at the following meeting was insufficient to move ahead.

I did spearhead a study by the City when I was first in office, and the numbers did not support such a short or long term change with significant cost savings. The preliminary numbers came back as more expensive and the costs climbed higher than they had in the recent previous years. I would bet this topic to resurface within the next several months, as it is a community hot topic that people are very passionate about. Whenever a constituent comes to you and says that they would voluntarily be willing to pay additional taxes to support a program, I have found it prudent to listen.

The Osseo Community Survey is currently underway. The survey was commissioned by the council at recent meeting as a way to get an unbiased feedback from the community. Look for caller ID to read Decision Resources to validate this call.

One of the things that has frustrated me since my taking office was the Osseo rumor mill. You hear about things 2nd, 3rd, or 4th hand, when it would be much better for me to hear about it first hand. I CONTINUE TO ASK THAT ANY FEEDBACK ON ISSUES BE DIRECTED TO ME FOR CONSIDERATION. i appreciate the opportunity to present all sides of an issue for consideration, which I rarely get the opportunity to do. Comment on this blog, email to or calls directed to 763-425-7457 will be answered in as timely manner as possible.

Planning will start soon on the next fiscal year budget. I was quite pleased with our investment to Capital issues through our Capital Improvement Plan, and Financial Management Plan. We also are investing more money to decrease the eventual financial burden through unexpected financial assessments on Property Tax holders. the projects are currently planned out for several years. This will give the property owners of Osseo the chance to plan ahead to avoid interest on the improvements - there by saving them money. I will continue to push for the City to save the funds for the projects in advance, rather than issue bonds for the same reason. If we could give a little more up front - to avoid Interest and Fees associated with Capital projects - that is Money in the pockets of the City Of Osseo. My analogy is to save for the new TV vs putting it on credit card.

I will try to be a little more regular with this blog - also offering explanations as to voting whenever possible (sometimes in Government there are things you just have to keep confidential as to avoid the possibility of Litigation against the City).

Have a great March Sunday and I will be checking in with you all soon!