Friday, July 27, 2012

Re Election

The updates to the website have been completed!

This is my official blog announcement that I will seek re-election this fall for City Council.  I am very excited and will file ASAP on July 31.

I am gladly accepting donations for my re-election campaign, any amount would help up to what I believe is the maximum of 300$.  Additional signs, re-election stickers, literature for the lit drops and of course- candy for the Osseo Lion's Roar Parade need to be purchased.

A forthcoming blog announcement will present the major platform issues, but keeping with the results of the recent city survey - keeping the residents safe is the utmost concern, along with assuring the future viability of our community by working the created Capital Improvement Plan, Financial Management Plan, and keeping city expenditures at the lowest reasonable level are key!

Stay tuned to this blog, and like me on Facebook -

Mark Schulz for Osseo

for future campaign updates!
